键盘侠|人生缺个老詹🥺老詹信任雷迪什 而我爸绝不会那样信任我
发布日期:2025-01-04 17:25 点击次数:173
(点击上方关注键盘侠,获悉更多有趣资讯。)[赛后贴] 今日NBA季中锦标赛,湖人队(4-4)客场122-119战胜太阳队(4-4)双方数据太阳(4-4):杜兰特38分9板5助、比尔24分4板、戈登13分3断、努尔基奇14分9板7助、迪奥普11分5板2断、阿伦9分9板4助、渡边雄太3分。湖人(4-5):詹姆斯32分11板6助、浓眉18分11板4助、拉塞尔19分3板9助、雷迪什17分3板3断、里夫斯15分7助、八村塁7分3板4断、普林斯7分、伍德5分9板。
[–]Australiadys0n_giddey [score hidden] 31 minutes agoLeBron letting the greys out球迷:老詹聊发少年狂,鬓微霜,又何妨?
[–]MavericksDrfuckthisshit [score hidden] 30 minutes agoLooks badass ngl he should keep it.独行侠球迷:是啊~老詹没去打理白头发和胡子,任由须发渐白,但是看上去却很有气场,有一说一,他应该把这种形象保持下去!
[–]Australiadys0n_giddey [score hidden] 30 minutes agoLet em know how old he really is球迷:让别人都睁开眼看看他到底有多老了!
[–]LakersVencrest [score hidden] 34 minutes agoAfter Cam Reddish missed the game winning shot against the Heat two games ago, Reaves said LeBron went up to Cam in the locker room and told him “Nah, that's a good shot. Situation happens like that again, we're gonna give it right back to you and knock it down.”LeBron repeatedly fed Cam late in the 4th, who hit several clutch 3s and went 5/8 from 3PT overall.湖人球迷:在雷迪什错失绝杀三分,湖人最终输给热火的那场比赛之后,里夫斯说在赛后湖人的更衣室内,老詹走到雷迪什旁边,对后者说:“别担心,那个投篮机会很好。下次出现同样的机会,我们仍然会把球传给你,让你去命中它!”今天第四节,老詹不断地给雷迪什喂球,后者命中了好几记关键三分,全场比赛三分8投5中!
[–]Lakers [LAL] Michael CooperRickySuela [score hidden] 31 minutes agoHe also said in the post game interview tonight that people said he made a mistake by passing it to Cam in that Heat game, but said it was the right play to make and that's why he passed it to Cam again tonight.湖人球迷:老詹在今天的赛后采访中也说了,之前外界都说他犯了个错误,在与热火比赛的最后时刻他不应该把球传给雷迪什的,但是他认为那是一次正确的选择,所以今天他仍然把球传给了雷迪什。[–]did_it_my_way [score hidden] 24 minutes agowe're the "basketball savants that don't know nothing". LeBron is speaking to us.球迷:我们是“不懂球的篮球砖家”~~老詹这是在说咱们呢~~
[–]Lakersdavensdad [score hidden] 34 minutes agoI want LeBron as my father.湖人球迷:我想要老詹做我的爸爸~~[–]LakersT_025 [score hidden] 34 minutes agoKyrie?湖人球迷:欧文?是你吗?
[–]OpportunitySmalls [score hidden] 32 minutes agoLifting dudes up when things go wrong and preaching process over results, great veteran leadership the Lakers have with the oldest player in the league who still drops 30+球迷:当球队遇到不顺的时候,会给同伴打气,并告诉他们正确的过程比结果更重要~~这位联盟最老的球员,给湖人带来了伟大的老将领导力!同时还能砍下30多分!][LAL] Alex CarusoVermillion_Crab [score hidden] 34 minutes agoI need a LeBron in my life湖人球迷:我的人生中需要一位像老詹这样的人来引导我~~~~[–]LakersRyanBlackburn [score hidden] 33 minutes agoLeBron is such a supportive wine mom.湖人球迷:老詹可真像一位支持开明、爱酒的妈妈啊~~~
[–]CelticsEutaxySpy [score hidden] 38 minutes ago*KD can't win with these cats, another 39+ minutes game from him where the Suns lose and even with Beal back凯尔特人球迷:杜兰特和这些阿猫阿狗根本没法儿赢球,这场比赛他又打了39分钟,哪怕是比尔回来了,还是输了…
[–]WarriorsCurrymvp2 [score hidden] 36 minutes agoI am concerned about Booker and Beal's health. It's insane to me that we have barely seen them this season and we're cognizant of their history of recurring injures. On paper, they could be arguably the best offense in the NBA, but it's meaningless if they can't play together勇士球迷:我很担心布克和比尔的健康状况,这赛季我们几乎没怎么见过他们,太扯了~~~而且我们知道他们有旧伤复发的伤病史。纸面上,太阳队可以说是拥有联盟最强的进攻能力,但是如果布克和比尔打不了,说这么热闹也是白搭…[–]TimberwolvesZebraPrintSharkFins [score hidden] 43 minutes agoReddish finally heard y’all were talking shit森林狼球迷:雷迪什今晚终于听到你们这些人在背后说他的那些坏话了…
[–]LakersApollo611 [score hidden] 43 minutes agoDeleting my Reddish slander湖人球迷:没有没有...等等…让我把之前喷雷迪什的评论给删了先…[–]Lakerscaptain_ahabb [score hidden] 38 minutes agoSo is this what it feels like being on the other side of a "random role player who shoots 30% from 3 normally goes 5/6" game?湖人球迷:以前剧情通常都是这样的:对手阵中一名平时三分球命中率只有30%的小卡拉米突然爆种,三分球轰出6投5中,把湖人干爆了!今天我湖角色互换,终于也尝到了这种甜头,原来这么爽啊!?
[–]Lakersfernandopoejr [score hidden] 33 minutes ago"random role player who shoots 30% from 3 normally goes 5/6"ahhh i see that you're also familiar with the staples center/crypto arena tradition湖人球迷:“对手阵中一名平时三分球命中率只有30%的小卡拉米突然爆种,三分球轰出6投5中”,楼上你说得出这样的话,看来也是对湖人主场的那个“让对手小卡拉米爆种”的被动技能了如指掌啊~~~~[–]did_it_my_way [score hidden] 29 minutes agoFunnily he brought his average up to just below 30% after today's performance lol球迷:尽管今晚三分球投成这样了,雷迪什也只是将将把自己的赛季三分命中率提高到30%不到点儿而已,太逗啦~~~哈哈哈~~~注:本场过后,雷迪什本赛季的三分命中率已大幅提高到29.2%![–]Lakerskeepon18 [score hidden] 40 minutes agoLakers fucking themselves over with giving up sooooo many second chance points湖人球迷:今天湖人为了把自己玩死也是死煞费苦心,让对手抢了无数次二次进攻得分啊![–][LAL] LeBron JamesKarrotMovies [score hidden] 25 minutes agoAt least they grabbed the boards with effort in the 4th. I swear the Lakers only start caring in the 4th. Complete energy shift湖人球迷:至少他们在末节抢篮板很卖力啊!我敢说湖人只是从第四节才开始发力,那时的能量可完全不一样![–]LakersJilJungJukk [score hidden] 45 minutes agoLakers’ wins this season 🤝 4th quarter comebacksFun but not sustainable湖人球迷:湖人这赛季赢下来的比赛,都是末节逆转赢的。比赛倒是挺好看的,但是这么玩儿不符合可持续发展的伟大方针啊~~~[–]CelticsCeltic_Legend [score hidden] 47 minutes agoBro Lakers aren't allowed to be good at 3point shooting.酸酸的凯尔特人球迷:大哥~~~今天湖人三分这么准,这不符合牛顿第一定律!!我不答应!!注:总所周知,湖人绿军是联盟宿敌。
[–]Sunsautolims12 [score hidden] 32 minutes agoThey’re not good at 3 pt shooting, our perimeter defense is just doggy. All teams light us up from 3 and it’s not a coincidence.太阳球迷:不是湖人三分有多厉害,而是我们太阳的外线防守太菜啦!!所有对手面对我们的时候,三分球都会爆种,这可不是什么巧合…[–]simon2105 [score hidden] 48 minutes agoUpon closer inspection, it became apparent this was yet to be AD's team.球迷:经过在下进一步的研究显示,可以肯定的是湖人尚不是浓眉的球队![–]LakersJayveesac [score hidden] 47 minutes agoLeBron has been waiting for a good 2 years now 🤣湖人球迷:老詹等让位可已经等了整整两年啦~~ 🤣[–]Lakershealthy_LeBron [score hidden] 46 minutes agoFeels good to be a lakers fan baby湖人球迷:作为湖蜜,今儿个可真高兴啊~~~宝贝儿~~~
[–][LAL] Sasha Vujacicnysraved [score hidden] 33 minutes agoIt felt absolutely fucking miserable to be a Lakers fan for most of the first 3 quarters lol湖人球迷:当然,作为湖蜜,在比赛前三节的大部分时间,实在也是太他妈痛苦啦~~~哈哈~~~[–]CIark [score hidden] 50 minutes agomy dad never gave me as many chances to fail until I managed to squeeze out some success as the lakers give cam reddish球迷:湖人给了雷迪什好多机会啊!而在我家,在我千辛万苦做出一丁点儿成绩之前,我爸可绝对不会给我那么多机会的!!!